Every day when I take a bath in the tubbie....

Duck Dynasty, Pittsburgh, PA   October, 2013    

Duck Dynasty, Pittsburgh, PA   October, 2013



     Nobody seems to notice what has crept up behind them at this downtown park in Pittsburgh. When I first saw this guy sixty years ago he was swimming in a bathtub in my cousin's bathroom in Illinois. He was only about 3 inches tall. Never in my wildest imagination would I have thought that he would grow to this menacing size and invade one of our oldest industrial cities--and do it so stealthily. Soon after this picture was taken, a large number of these people mysteriously disappeared. Life can be dangerous when you aren't aware of your surroundings. The giant duck was later seen in the company of an even larger green, singing frog.

     My friend and I were alert and left the area in time to get away safely. We managed to hide in a theater and were distracted by a very nice production of "Our Town." By the time we left, all was clear. Surprisingly, there was no mention of the giant duck on the evening news. It seems to be able to control the media. I am convinced that it is not a "natural" duck, but must be some sort of trans-dimensional construct that appeared from a parallel universe for a brief time. That kind of thing happens in my life regularly. I often lay things down and when I go back to collect them, they are no longer where I put them. When I go back even later, they are just where they should be. The only plausible explanation I can come up with is that they disappeared into an alternate universe for a brief time, only to reappear when the other universe reverted to it's proper space-time dimension. How else could you explain it?